Every entrepreneur dreams of being successful. Financial freedom and flexible working hours encourage a person to become an entrepreneur. Although, with having dreams comes the inevitability of risks and challenges.
During tough times, there is a need for motivation for every entrepreneur. While movies are a source of entertainment, they can also serve as a channel of motivation.
Furthermore, well-scripted movies can inspire an entrepreneur to take action by depicting the lives of people who overcame extreme hardship to achieve their goals. So, this article will look at seven motivational movies for entrepreneurs who dream of becoming successful.
Before we explore these motivational movies, let’s understand the challenges that every entrepreneur faces during the pursuit of their dreams as a QNET direct seller.
Challenges of being an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs set out envisioning a certain path for success. However, they are halted in their attempts by various challenges. These challenges are usually part and parcel of a QNET entrepreneur’s life. Here are a few challenges that entrepreneurs face.
1. The overwhelming feeling of taking the first step
In business or life, taking that first step is usually the hardest and the most crucial step. The major deterrent is their inhibition. They anticipate failures or difficulties even before taking that all-important step. The most significant challenge lies in the belief that they cannot overcome the situation. But it is important to remember that these challenges are the means to success.
2. Challenges in networking (rejections)
Another challenge that many entrepreneurs face comes in the form of rejections. Fear of rejection stifles most people into inaction. In networking, while many people would agree to be a part of an entrepreneur’s team, some people would choose a different option. But, this shouldn’t discourage them from contacting more people and building networks.
Consequently, networking is often viewed as a difficult task, a skill that an entrepreneur can develop with time and fortitude.
3. Challenges in staying motivated
After taking that step to be a successful entrepreneur, a major challenge lies in staying motivated. Many entrepreneurs get stuck in the muck and mire of life and end up dwelling over trivialities. This saps the motivation out of them. However, entrepreneurs can always pick themselves up and find their rhythm.
So, here are seven motivational movies for entrepreneurs to help them find their rhythm and be successful as QNET direct sellers.
Motivational movies for entrepreneurs, QNET Direct Sellers
1. Rocket Singh: Salesman of the year
Getting acclimatised to new surroundings and workplace situations can often be a daunting task. Rocket Singh is a motivational movie that depicts the challenges faced in an office.
After growing tired of undesirable workplace situations, the protagonist takes the initiative to start his own business. He focuses on customer satisfaction and upholding ethics. Furthermore, showing us that collaboration and teamwork could go a long way in helping an entrepreneur become a better leader.
Rocket Singh is one of those movies for entrepreneurs that serves as a timely motivation for those looking for a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship.
2. Padman
Padman is based on the real-life story of a Padma Shree award winner, Arunachalam Muruganantham. Based in a small town in Tamil Nadu, he sets out to create low-cost sanitary napkins. Being a part of a conservative society, he faces great resistance and backlash for his attempts.
After being forced out of the village for his unconventional methods, he perseveres to find support and raise awareness. Ultimately finding means to achieve his goals. As a consequence of his desire and willpower, he realises his dream and returns to the village as a hero.
Many times, entrepreneurs face situations where people question their paths. They consider unconventional choices as being frivolous and wasting time. Sometimes, the entrepreneurs are asked to settle down with the safest options and give up on following their dreams.
Under such circumstances, it is easy to give up. Instead, this is one of those movies for entrepreneurs that reminds them to listen to their hearts and continue moving forward. Akin to an unwavering spirit, Padman is an excellent example of one of those motivational movies that encourage an entrepreneur to overcome all odds.
3. Forrest Gump
One of the most famous movies of our generation, Forrest Gump, adds perspective on multiple fronts. Despite not being a movie about entrepreneurship, one could learn a lot from this motivational movie.
Forrest takes the viewers on a wild ride of experiences, from meeting the president of the United States to playing Ping-Pong in China. From starting a shrimp business to cross country running. Forrest Gump is one of those motivational movies for entrepreneurs that serves as a complete package for enduring challenges and overcoming them.
But there are a couple more things that Forrest teaches an entrepreneur. One, to never be scared of pursuing their dreams. As discussed earlier, entrepreneurs find themselves limited by their inhibitions, when they just need to find the courage to take that all-important step.
Two, to stick to what they believe while unwavering to extraneous circumstances. Forrest shows entrepreneurs that they must keep going when the going gets hard. They must continue looking for opportunities and keep knocking on doors until they find success.
4. Soorarai Pootru (Udaan)
Soorarai Pootru is a movie based on the life of Captain GR Gopinath, an ex-Air Force pilot who dreamt of starting a low-cost airline service. He faces multiple challenges in terms of bureaucracy and fierce competition while starting his airline company. With dwindling hopes and the task becoming insurmountable, he rises with fortitude to give flight to his entrepreneurial dreams.
Captain Gopinath’s story teaches an entrepreneur that when the odds are stacked against them, they can always find a way to change the situation. Entrepreneurs are bound to face challenges in their journey. However, they must remember that they can overcome them with determination and perseverance.
Soorarai Pootru belongs to a category of motivational movies for entrepreneurs that encourages them to stay faithful in their pursuit and never give up on their dreams.
5. The Internship
One might wonder that the Internship doesn’t exactly belong to the category of movies for entrepreneurs. In fact, the movie is about two enthusiastic salesmen getting an internship at Google.
Although, there are multiple entrepreneurial references in this movie for entrepreneurs to learn from. The first thing that an entrepreneur would notice is that age does not determine their ability to achieve something, with the protagonists going neck and neck with eighteen-year-olds for the opportunity at Google.
Secondly, no matter where entrepreneurs go, their skills will help them find the right opportunities. Moreover, their ability to communicate can significantly impact their journey and help them achieve their goals.
6. Moneyball
Many entrepreneurs pass on watching Moneyball because they think that it is based on baseball. Well, it is about baseball. However, it is also about motivating your teammates and aligning your goals to optimise results. The way Oakland A’s go on to achieve a record-breaking twenty wins in a row after being considered underdogs is the highlight of this movie. This is certainly one of those special motivational movies for entrepreneurs that encourages them to pursue their dreams.
As an entrepreneur, there will be situations when they need to motivate their peers and people in their teams. Often, having a positive outlook and being a warm source of energy is all it takes to motivate them. The movie depicts this aspect of motivation for entrepreneurs extremely well.
Furthermore, the ability to leave the teammates and customers empowered can determine the success of their entrepreneurship.
7. The Intern
The Intern belongs to a category of light-hearted motivational movies for entrepreneurs, which follows the story of a seventy-year-old man who applies to be an intern to a young businesswoman. The movie is a classic example of how opportunities can come from unlikely sources.
Sometimes, entrepreneurs do not pursue an idea because they are scared to step out of their comfort zone. This is one of those movies for entrepreneurs that motivates them and shows them that listening to their gut and being open to opportunities can prove extremely fruitful. The Intern is a motivational movie that leaves them with a smile and reminds them that they are special and distinct in their own way.
In summary, we have explored motivational movies for entrepreneurs to catapult their spirits. An entrepreneur’s life is an exciting journey full of obstacles and challenges. The goal is to keep persevering until success becomes a by-product of their determination and an unwavering zest to fulfil their dreams.