Warning: This article contains spoilers from all the seasons of HBO’s Game of Thrones.
Over the last seven seasons, an endless battle has been raging in the fictional world of Westeros, and it all comes to an end next week with the much-awaited season finale. Game of Thrones (GoT), one of the most-watched shows of our time, has captivated the minds of millions worldwide including many of our QNET distributors.
Beyond the fascinating dragons, frightening White Walkers, and thrilling plot twists, the show is also a case study on leadership. It portrays the rise and fall of many capable as well as incompetent leaders in their struggle for the Iron Throne.
The leadership dilemmas might vary as thankfully real-life businesses don’t involve plotting murders and escaping a zombie apocalypse. But there are still problem-solving lessons to learn that can provide invaluable advice relevant to the competitive world of network marketing.
As we are nearing the end, let’s look back and identify the prominent leadership styles demonstrated by the last standing leaders of the show.
Jon Snow
Leadership Style: Democratic

Though the most reluctant leader of the show, whenever the situation demanded Jon Snow has taken up the mantle, and lead people in a true democratic style. His leadership journey officially started with being elected as the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and later, the King in the North.
A leader with a democratic leadership style involves team members in the decision-making process, allows everyone the opportunity to share ideas, and listens to their opinions. The decision, however, always lies with the leader. During a council meeting when most wanted to ban House Umber and Karstark for treason, Jon listened to their reasoning, but his final decision was to pardon them because he believed it was wrong to punish “a son for his father’s sins.” Also, they needed every Northerner to win the fight against the Night King.
Leading by example is another prominent trait of a democratic leader. They are doers, honest, and unafraid to venture into the unknown. These qualities have been true of Jon Snow, who from the very start has taken responsibility for every critical situation and sacrificed his life for the greater good. From venturing beyond the wall to kill Mance Rayder to visiting the dragon queen at the cost of being turned to ashes or going beyond the Wall to catch a Wight – Jon Snow has never hesitated to take action for what he believes is right.
As a QNET leader, you should be open to new ideas shared by your downlines and listen to their opinions. You have to lead by example to build trust among your team members. Show them how to work towards success and guide them wherever needed. Mentor your downlines just like Jon, who was Sam’s constant support.
Daenerys Targaryen
Leadership Style: Transformational + Strategic

In the latest episode, she might have followed in her father’s footsteps and ended up as the Mad Queen, turning the King’s landing to ashes. And fans are going crazy with this unexpected change in her character. But that one act cannot solely define her overall leadership approach.
Daenerys, the last surviving heir of the House Targaryen, might have started her journey as a submissive character, but through the seasons has evolved into a leader who has conquered the hearts of many.
A transformational leader identifies the need for change and inspires individuals to be a part of the collective evolution. When Daenerys witnessed the injustice of slavery for the very first time, she took measured actions to uproot these age-old traditions and inspire the slaves to revolt against the masters.
Transformational leaders identify the strengths of the people around them and motivate them to work towards a common goal. Daenerys had a clear vision of freeing the kingdoms of tyranny and uplift the oppressed. As the new ruler of the Unsullied Army, when Daenerys gave them the choice of being free or fighting with her, they chose the latter because she was able to transform their outlook and inspire them to follow her vision.
That is how, the Breaker of Chains, amassed a massive following comprising the unsullied and the freed slaves of the Slaver’s Bay who pledged their unfailing loyalty to her and kept it till the very end.
We see the rise of a strategic leader in her when she built a strong team of advisors that included people from her enemy’s camp (Varys and Tyrion). Her alliances with the Greyjoy’s and House Tyrell can also be viewed as an intelligent, strategic move to secure her seat on the Iron Throne.
You need to be passionate about your direct selling business, and passion is contagious. The moment your downlines see your enthusiasm and dedication, they will be inspired to aim higher. If you want to build a devoted army like Daenerys, create a vision for your direct selling business and inspire them to work towards that vision.
Sansa Stark
Leadership Style: Situational + Strategic

In Game of Thrones, no other character has been as flexible and adaptive to their surroundings as Sansa Stark. Thrown into various difficult and sometimes horrible situations, she has always managed to grow and learn from her circumstances.
As a situational leader, she has not just survived and adapted to her changing environments but also learned from them. She has collected pearls of wisdom from her tormentors Littlefinger and Ramsay Bolton and deftly used the knowledge against them.
Along with a keen ability to assess situations, she also exhibited the skill to come up with powerful strategies to turn the situation in favour of her family. So when she realised that Jon would be unsuccessful in winning the Battle of the Bastards she didn’t think twice before asking for Littlefinger’s help. But when she found Littlefinger trying to create a rift in the Stark family, she didn’t hesitate to execute him for treason.
The direct selling industry is constantly evolving, and as a leader in this space, you will face new challenges every day. Embrace these changes, and instead of looking at them as pitfalls, try to accept them as learning opportunities.
The Leader not to be
Cersei Lannister
Leadership Style: Autocratic/Authoritarian

Though she met with a tragic and rather disappointing end in the latest episode, we have to mention her as a warning of how not to lead. Cersei Lannister, the antagonist of the show, is undoubtedly the autocratic leader who likes to be in control and wield absolute power. The power-crazy Queen Regent never respected feedback, and if there were voices against her, she had her ways of shutting them out.
As an autocratic leader, she was self-serving and narrow-minded as she only cared about maintaining the Lannister’s claim to the Iron Throne. She devised devilish schemes, betrayed people in a blink (including her own) and broke promises. As a leader, she never received the loyalty or love of her subject, but by using them as cannon fodder, she transformed into pure evil.
As a leader, you need to follow certain policies and procedures, and violating them may lead to harsh consequences.
Every business is defined by its leaders and their way of leading both the company and its employees. As QNET entrepreneurs, you all have to don the leadership role at some point and build a specific leadership approach that suits your needs.
Let us know which Game of Thrones leader you identify with or which QNET leader you think displays any of these leadership styles in the comments section below.
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