It is imperative that we practice leading a healthy lifestyle. With busy schedules, more often than not, people tend to disregard the importance of sustainable diets. The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the global population to stay indoors in order to curb the virus. This has eventually instilled a sense of fear and anxiety in all of us. Multi-vitamins and essential dietary supplements play a crucial role in uplifting our immunity and shielding our body against harmful pathogens/bacteria. That being said, most of the health-oriented supplements involve synthetic manufacturing processes. These are produced in laboratories and are responsible for adverse side effects on our well-being. How about vitamins and health bound supplements that are completely organic and naturally sourced? Can we make this happen? Let us now examine how.
It is all about creating the necessary awareness about the difference between synthetically manufactured supplements and dietary supplements. Most of the products available in the market and not proved sources to cure illnesses. Unless prescribed by a licensed physician, it is recommended not to use supplements that are complex and manufactured otherwise.

Now, more than ever, it is important that brands extend information pertaining to packaging and associated ingredients. For example, QNET, a direct selling enterprise has maintained the utmost transparency regarding what its products offer in terms of embracing a healthy lifestyle. QNET’s Nutriplus series of health and dietary supplements provide benefits that are diverse in nature. Be it checking on your blood sugar levels, increasing your overall immunity, effective bone density management, or a fibre-rich diet, QNET has it all. With products like Nutriplus GutHealth, FibreFit, ImmunHealth and DiabaHealth, people can embrace a truly vibrant and sustainable lifestyle.
Nutriplus DailyHealth – Your Way to Natural Wellbeing

QNET has always believed in empowering people with products that contribute to a healthy life. The Nutriplus range of essential dietary supplements caters to a diverse demographic. By offering specific details with respect to product ingredients, QNET has facilitated conscious consumerism at the highest level.
QNET’s very own Nutriplus DailyHealth is an organically sourced superfood with a perfect blend of vitamins, minerals, protein essentials and micro-nutrients. From the pristine Klamath county in Oregon, USA, welcome one of nature’s healthiest gifts to all of humanity – the wild and distinguished Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae. This astonishing AFA are predominantly found in lake Klamath in Oregon, USA. What is fascinating is that these blue-green algae consist of essential bio-minerals, micronutrients and vital vitamins that facilitate optimal nourishment and fosters our health.

The origin, Lake Klamath is in Oregon, USA, surrounded by pristine valleys and picturesque mountains. Lake Klamath is home to fertile soil and pure mountain streams that protect an ecosystem of its own. These wild blue-green algae called Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae [AFA] is known to grow just twice a year, making it the most sought-after ingredient. This rare, indigenous and wild AFA is the primary source of QNET Nutriplus DailyHealth – Your way to natural well-being.
Refrigerated and processed food can have associated negative health effects. Hectic work schedules can make us take our mind away from a healthy life. With so much going on in terms of modern lifestyles and social commitments, we often tend to forget to pay attention to ourselves. Also, with fast food habits, communities are beginning to shift to a diet without fruits and vegetables. Therefore, to combat such societal challenges, QNET presents your Nutriplus DailyHealth- Your guide to health and uncompromised wellness.
Benefits of Nutriplus DailyHealth
As mentioned above, before enquiring about a product that contributes to better health, we need to be aware of what the product has to offer. In terms of ingredients and recommended usage, it is effective when the packaging speaks. Below are some of the prominent benefits of Nutriplus DailyHealth.
1. Powerful Antioxidants
Living in a world gripped by a pandemic, it is essential that we work on our immunity. This means that elderly people are the most affected by it. Generally, the effects of ageing are mostly due to the lack of antioxidants in your everyday diet. QNET Nutriplus DailyHealth, an essential supplement is packed with antioxidants that minimises the effects of ageing to quite an extent.
2. Fight Fatigue and Tiredness
An active and vibrant lifestyle can lead to mental and physical stress. The fatigue that sets in can act as a hindrance to optimal cell growth. QNET Nutriplus DailyHealth comprises of amino acids and proteins that contribute immensely towards muscle development, bone health and blood enhancing components. Therefore, by welcoming Nutriplus DailyHealth in your life, you are establishing a sense of purpose and reducing everyday stress and fatigue.
3. Shielding Oxidative Complexities
Free radicals and antioxidants are important for productive tissue growth. Any structural imbalance between any of those two vital components can lead to vital tissue damage. QNET’s Nutriplus DailyHealth comprises of phytonutrients that massively eliminate oxidative stress and supplies back antioxidants back to your organs.
QNET has a diverse product portfolio that essentially comprises of products that cater to the greater good. With products like Nutriplus LivHealth, FibreFit, BoneHealth, SkinHealth, DiabaHealth and ImmunHealth, QNET has promoted an ideal of embracing a healthy life. Nutriplus DailyHealth, comprising of Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae is your ideal bet to stay vibrant and focus on what matters the most– your health!