soft, safe, and nourishing Pi-Water
in the comfort of your own home.


Has your hair ever felt rough and brittle right after a shower?
Or drank water that tastes powdery?

If you have experienced any of the above, then your water supply might be overflowing with dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This type of water is known as hard water, a normal occurrence in certain parts of the world. While these minerals are good for you, an excess of such minerals may have adverse effects on your life. Hard water not only clogs your pores, but it also tends to cause build-up in your water appliances and filtration systems as well.

After over 10 years of research on water quality in different parts of the world, we developed the ideal water softener – the HomePure NovaSoft. Best paired with the HomePure Nova, the NovaSoft will help provide your family with soft, safe, and nourishing Pi-Water in the comfort of your own home.

MRP: INR 23,380

Key Features

Decrease the Level of Hardness

User Friendly

MRP: INR 23,380

Protects Water Filtration System

Convenient and save energy



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